Post The Photos.

Dear Strong Woman,

Post the photos.

There’s a voice in my head that tells me to stop spamming my social media platforms with baby photos.That voice says “This feed is for your business, stupid girl. No one cares about your baby.”

(It’s mean, I know. Most bullies in our minds are, right?)

Here is what’s true:

Four years ago, I was on a sample coaching session with Bernadette Pohl and she asked me what I wanted. I got annoyed because I had just finished word vomiting all the crap that was on my plate and thought I’d made it pretty damn clear I didn’t have time to want anything.

She wouldn’t let me not answer that question.

I broke down. Just a few months prior I confessed through tears to my mom that I didn’t know if I’d ever be able to give her a grandchild because I didn’t know how to turn work mode off. I was working around the clock. I was napping on the couch with the lights and tv on knowing eventually something would wake me up and I could get a few more tasks complete before dozing off to sleep again.

I told her what I wanted more than anything: “I want to be a momma.”

So y’all - imma share alllllll the photos of this gorgeous, most precious son of mine because he is a testament to me being courageous enough to not only name the thing I wanted, but to admit that I had no fucking clue how to make it happen.

Because not only do I now have a son, but I have a job that allows me to be home with him. That allows me to dictate my schedule so I don’t have to miss out on play dates and future soccer games and concerts.

When I say I made this shit, I mean it.

But I didn’t do it without hella amounts of support. Between Bernadette, Bebuo, dear friends like Jennie and Brent to name a few…without them I’d still be starring at a to-do list of someone else’s emergencies telling myself this can’t be all there is.

Four years might sound like a long time, but it’s awfully short when compared to the rest of my life.

What does your heart yearn for that you have no fucking clue how to make happen?


Snippity Snip Snip


Trust Yourself, Momma