Meet Meghan.
Meghan Lucas
Meghan Lucas is a life and leadership coach, writer, and speaker who believes everyone has the power within themselves to create the life they truly desire.
Meghan’s journey in coaching started with her hiring a coach – in what she considers Hail-Mary fashion – to support her through an intense season of burnout. The shifts she made in one year alone, including moving to a new city, starting a new career, and getting out of debt - to name a few! - inspired her to celebrate the only way she knew how: by paying it forward and becoming a coach herself.
Meghan helps her clients build muscle around looking within themselves for the answers they seek. Over time, clients report feeling at peace in situations that usually would’ve set them off, taking charge in scenarios where they normally would’ve referred to someone else, and making major shifts in areas where they consistently felt stuck. Her clients report wasting less energy on other people’s emergencies, in turn investing that energy back into themselves.
Meghan also has a passion for fostering community by creating a safe space for women to put their messy selves on loudspeaker. She hosts many events that bring women together to see and be seen in ways beyond the usual surface-level small talk. She stands by the belief that “our true strength shines brightest in the moments we feel most weak, afraid, and imperfect,” a concept she shares about frequently on her blog Dear Strong Woman as well as on her social media platforms.
To date, Meghan has coached more than 30 clients over 500 hours to live life the way they were always meant to do so. Her debut book You Make The Rules broke into the Top 20 in two Amazon book categories on it’s release day, finishing #13 in the Happiness category and #19 in Motivational Self-Help. She has also been named Best Life Coach of Silver Spring 2022.
Meghan’s favorite things include anything leopard print, a Yeti full of hot hazelnut coffee, banter-filled beach-read worthy romance novels, and most importantly - being a mom to her precious son, Desmond. She resides in Columbia, MD with little Des and her two pups, Muzz and Juno.