Dear Strong Woman

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Ep. 005 - Making "Better" Decisions with Jennie Wolfe

Do you feel like you're constantly looking for an answer to the question “What should I do?” Maybe you’re always asking others for their opinions, do extensive research before making any decisions, or often regret the decisions you make. You've got a lot of shoulda-coulda-wouldas in your space.

And maybe you're tired of spinning in circles.

Jennie Wolfe has been where you are. A box-checker by nature, Jennie went through life building several successful businesses, having everything she was supposed to have, by doing everything she was supposed to do. Her life looked great on paper, but something was missing. In a search to find what was missing, she found the greatest gift of all: the place to look for what's missing is within.

On this episode of #MayWeKnowThem Jennie shares how she found her own path within. Listen to hear Jennie share the ways she's stopped looking outside herself for answers, broke up with external expectations, and started trusting herself to be the author of her story. We heard her share about how she interrupts old thought patterns, stays connected to her intuition, and lives a life of unshakeable joy.

Important things mentioned:
- Well + Wild Method - Jennie’s exclusive group coaching program. Registrations opens April 16th! Go click the link in her IG bio (@jenniewolfe) to get on the waitlist.
- Book: Women Who Run With Wolves by @clarissapinkolaestes is only $5.99 on Amazon right now.
- Meditation: check out @mamagoddess_ Kim Newig

As you listen, have pen and paper on hand to jot down what resonates. Let’s keep this conversation going. #wearestrongertogether

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Ep. 005 - Making "Better" Decisions Meghan Lucas + Jennie Wolfe