Dear Strong Woman

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Snippity Snip Snip

Dear Strong Woman,

Santa brought the scissors!

As soon as the hair hit the floor yesterday I immediately felt lighter. Couldn’t come at a better time as the most transformative year of my life comes to a close and I look ahead to ‘22.

My theme of the new year? Audacity in partnership. What does that mean? It means clear boundaries and expectations when making agreements. It means not shrinking myself down to make others feel comfortable. It means holding others responsible for their healing. Standing by my rates. Sending it back (whatever “it” is) if it isn’t exactly what I wanted.

It’s doing LESS and delegating MORE.

It’s “Hey, this doesn’t work for me” followed by what does. (Pretty sure I need that on a t-shirt.)

This way, I’m not carrying the weight of things that aren’t mine to carry, nor the resentment towards others that comes with keeping quiet about what I actually need.

Check your feet in your personal and professional relationships. What’s dragging you down that you’ve been afraid to own as your doing? Even if things are GOOD, are they as good as they could be?

Burnout builds gradually then suddenly, y’all. Don’t dismiss something if it actually isn’t okay with you. That shit snowballs something fierce.

If you need some courage, seriously…go get a haircut. The snippity snip snip vibes will follow you home.

What’s your graphic t-shirt slogan for the new year?